More on Therapy for Chronic Illness
The effects of chronic illness are not limited to the body. The body, mind, and spirit are inextricably interconnected. The impact of physical problems can be incredibly far-reaching, influencing your…
self-image & identity • relationships • intimacy • career plans • caregiving for children or elders • faith & spirituality • hobbies & recreation • and more
On top of the mental and emotional distress you might be experiencing in these areas of your life, chronic illness often also has a way of magnifying any pre-existing issues:
Your old, familiar challenges like unhelpful thinking patterns, beliefs about yourself or the world, ways you interact with other people, or recalling old memories that are painful. Worrying, over-thinking, perfectionism, people-pleasing, or withdrawing from others are some examples.
Feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness are also to be expected when faced with the stressor of chronic illness. You will experience grief, just like any other loss.
Having a hard time processing all your emotions and reconciling your chronic illness with the way things used to be is a normal and common experience.
Therapy is also a place where we can explore the behavioral components of wellness, too — basically, the things you can change in your daily life to live the best life you can with your illness.
Intentional behavioral changes in areas such as diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, stress management, recreation, social connection, and medical self-advocacy can have profound effects on both mental and physical health.
Doctors often recommend lifestyle changes. But they don’t often have the time to work with you to map out which changes matter to you, what your options are, what things might get in your way, and how to handle the obstacles you’ll inevitably encounter. So what do you change, where do you start, and how do you actually stick to it?
We’ll take it one step at a time to create changes in areas that are important to you, in ways that are realistic for your life.
To learn more or get started, book a free 15-minute phone consultation to see if we’re a good fit and get answers to any questions you have!